North Lenoir Water Corp. (NLWC) is a nonprofit water corporation that is owned by its members. The corporation is governed by a nine-member Board of Directors in which each member is elected for a three-year term. NLWC’s service area is located in northern Lenoir County, from just outside the city limits of Kinston, to the county line boundaries between Pitt, Craven, and Wayne counties, with some service area in Greene County. This area is located within the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area, CCPCUA, which for many years has been providing quality potable water from ground water wells located in the Black Creek and Upper Cape Fear Aquifers.
Regulations to restrict withdrawal of ground water have been applied to this area by the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), due to withdrawal of the water being more rapid than the recharge back into these aquifers, prior to any restrictions. This resulted in the steady decline of water levels in our wells. Actual restrictions of water withdrawal began in 2008. In order to ensure a sustainable water supply for the future, the Neuse Regional Water and Sewer Authority (NRWASA) was formed. NLWC is one of the founding members of this organization.

NRWASA consists of a surface water treatment plant, located on the Neuse River in Lenoir County, and the distribution lines to serve NLWC and other members of the entity. NLWC began purchasing water from NRWASA on September 1, 2008. Since the water purchase from NRWASA began, the water levels in each of NLWC’s supply wells have recovered very well, and as of now we are able to maintain safe water levels in each, which will ensure protecting this natural resource for many years to come.
NLWC currently maintains approximately 420 miles of pipeline, 13 wells and five elevated storage tanks with a storage capacity of 3.575 million gallons of water to serve a population of approximately 15,000. We at North Lenoir Water Corporation work around the clock to provide top quality water to every tap. We ask that all our customers help us protect our water sources, which are the heart of our community, our way of life, and our children’s future.